Radical transparency, real impact
We are offering social impact as a service with a level of transparency you have never seen before. Join us on our journey to disrupt the industry!

You enable a mom-to-be to get the care she needs
1. You cover the healthcare costs for a pregnancy
2. You get matched to a mom who needs your help
3. Your contribution is directly accessible to Her and she can receive regular checkups
5. The mom has access to the care she needs and deserves

You cover the average costs and we take the risk
Not all journeys are the same, some cost more and some cost less. If it costs less we will use your contribution to support other mothers. Every quarter we analyse the actual costs of care per mom-to-be and adjust the prices of or packages accordingly.
Learn moreA for profit company with revolutionary technology, that enables us to provide the moms access to the healthcare they deserve and need.
MomCare program
Learn moreMomCare is a healthcare program that enables mom-to-bes and healthcare providers to follow a standardized pregnancy program at predetermined cost and quality.
carepay.social is founded on the idea that individuals, like you, can also contribute. We want to give you the possibility of giving someone access to healthcare in a matter of clicks.
Frequently asked questions
Who is carepay.social? 🚀
carepay.social is an initiative by social enterprise CarePay to enable easy, personal and measurable social impact. Now everyone can support a mom-to-be by covering her healthcare costs via the MomCare Program.
What's your track record? 🏃♀️
Since 2018, over 20,000 mothers have been able to access healthcare through MomCare. Almost 5,000 of them are teenage mothers. So far, results have been very promising, including a 22% increase in skilled deliveries, and we continue to work hard for safer pregnancies across Kenya. In 2020, Fortune ranked CarePay and its partner Safaricom #7 on its list of world-changing companies.
How much money covers a full pregnancy journey? 💯
We use historical costs from the MomCare program to know on average how much it costs to cover a pregnancy journey. This average cost (currently EUR 80) is what we ask you to cover when you buy (part of) a MomCare bundle. Your money is then pooled alongside all other contributors so that we can efficiently distribute the funds.
Since you cover the average costs, your contribution may be used to cover multiple moms. For example, if the pregnancy journey of the mom you're paired with costs less than average, this surplus is used to help the moms with a more expensive pregnancy journey. If the total costs for a group of moms are higher than average, CarePay will pay the additional costs to ensure all moms can complete their journey. If total costs are lower, CarePay will have some funds left over which it can for example use to cover its costs.
Pooling costs in this way ensures that all moms have their pregnancy journey covered irrespective of the complications they face while pregnant. We also hope that this risk-pooling approach helps to scale the MomCare program (and similar programs) beyond what would be possible without it and as such gives more people "the power to care".
Note: while we do our utmost to give a fair representation of the use of contributed funds, we note that healthcare cost averages, other relevant costs and fees and percentages included on this website are approximate and may change from time to time (eg because of fluctuating money exchange rates). In case of changes, we will update our website as soon as possible.
If you want any further information on how we use your contribution you are welcome to contact us on europe@carepay.com .
Where will my money go? 🔎
Around 87% of your contribution will be available to the moms-to-be in Kenya. The remaining 13% will go to CarePay and third parties for enabling the fund collection and healthcare access for the mothers. See our Meet Us page for more information on how we use your funds .
What important problem am I helping to solve? ⚠️
1 of 42 Is the lifetime risk of dying prematurely in childbirth in Africa while it is 1 in 11 900 in Western Europe (Unicef, 2017)
This is due to the fact that 38% of Kenyan women give birth without the presence of skilled health personnel, who are able to address complications. (DHIS, 2014)
Almost all of this complications can be prevented by following the WHO standard protocol, that is provided by the Momcare program.
How am I personally helping to solve this problem? 😍
There is hope. MomCare is set up to follow the recommended WHO guidelines on antenatal care, with routine screening of healthy pregnant women without symptoms by a healthcare professional. This has proven to greatly reduce complications during pregnancy. Your contribution will support a mom-to-be in Kenya to access the care she needs and improve her chances of having a healthy baby.
What's next? ⏲️
After you contribute we send you a welcome message and will match you with a mother. This may take some time because the cover is arranged for mothers in groups every three months. You will receive an email when you have been matched to a mother. After that, you will continue to receive updates on the pregnancy journey of her and her baby.
What updates will I receive about the mom I'm supporting? 💌
We update you on the progress the mother makes in herpregnancy journey. You will for example know what the size of her growing babyis expressed in the size of familiar fruits. We use fully anonymized informationfor our reports, so you will not know her name orother information she can be identified with. This helps safeguarding the privacy of the mothers. At carepay.social we do not use information on the mothers for other purposesthan to update you on their pregnancy journeys.